
PodFetch is a simple, lightweight, fast, and efficient podcast downloader for hosting your own podcasts. It supports all the features you would expect from a podcast player, including:

  • Downloading podcasts
  • Listening to podcasts
  • Searching for podcasts
  • Managing your subscriptions
  • Managing your podcast episodes
  • Managing your podcast feed
  • Host your own Gpodder compatible podcast feed
  • Start listening on your phone and continue on your computer

All you need to do is download the latest release from the release page or use the listed docker-compose file to get started.


Installation with Docker

Installation with Docker (SQLite)

version: '3'
    image: samuel19982/podfetch:latest
    user: ${UID:-1000}:${GID:-1000}
      - "80:8000"
      - podfetch-podcasts:/app/podcasts
      - podfetch-db:/app/db
      - SERVER_URL=http://localhost:80
      - DATABASE_URL=sqlite:///app/db/podcast.db

POLLING_INTERVALInterval in minutes to check for new episodes300
SERVER_URLURL of the server/the URL of the proxyhttp://localhost:8000
DATABASE_URLURL of the databasesqlite://./db/podcast.db

It is important to change UID and GID to your user id and group id so that the files are owned by you and not by root. Docker will create the volumes by default as root and podfetch will not be able to write to them.

Installation with Docker (Postgres)

To use postgres you need to set the following environment variables:

- DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/podfetch

Installation without Docker


  • Download the latest release from the release page
  • Create a shell script that sets the above environment variables and starts the podfetch binary
  • Make the shell script executable
  • Run the shell script


For terraform have a look at the setup directory. There you will find everything needed to start with your infrastructure as code.

Basic Auth

Basic Auth is not required. If you use a reverse proxy like nginx you can use a better form that is also able to save passwords in your phone. If you decide to use basic auth you need to set all three variables below. Otherwise, the container will crash with an error message as a safety measure.

BASIC_AUTHSet to true if you want to use basic auth
USERNAMEUsername for basic auth
PASSWORDPassword for basic auth


PodFetch also supports OIDC authentication. If you want to use it you need to set the following variables.

If you enable it you need to disable BASIC_AUTH as it is not possible to use both at the same time.

Once you have created the user you intend to use as admin, you are then required to promote this user to admin via the command line.

Assuming your podfetch container is called $PODFETCH this can be done as follows, illustrating how the user sam is elevated to admin. (or uploader)

  • Login with OIDC as user sam
  • Run docker exec -it $PODFETCH /app/podfetch users update
  • Enter the name sam
  • Enter role
  • Enter admin
  • Login as sam again and you should find sam is now an admin.


OIDC_AUTHFlag if OIDC should be enabledtrue
OIDC_AUTHORITYThe url of the OIDC authority.<keycloak-url>/realms/master
OIDC_CLIENT_IDThe client id of the OIDC client.podfetch
OIDC_REDIRECT_URIThe URI the OIDC authority redirects to after authentication.<your-server-url>/ui/login
OIDC_SCOPEThe scope of the oidc tokenopenid profile email
OIDC_JWKSThe JWKS token uri<keycloak-url>/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/certs

Note: For OIDC authorities that allow for selecting between Confidential/Private and Public for the Client Type (for example Authentik), use Public, as PodFetch does not need a client secret.


This assumes you already have OIDC set up in Authelia and your Authelia instance is being served on a subdomain https://auth.DOMAIN.COM with podfetch being served on it's own subdomain at https://podfetch.DOMAIN.COM

Podfetch Configuration

OIDC_AUTHFlag if OIDC should be enabledtrue
OIDC_AUTHORITYThe url of the OIDC authority.https://auth.DOMAIN.COM
OIDC_CLIENT_IDThe client id of the OIDC client.podfetch
OIDC_REDIRECT_URIThe URI the OIDC authority redirects to after authentication.https://podfetch.DOMAIN.COM/ui/login
OIDC_SCOPEThe scope of the oidc tokenopenid profile email
OIDC_JWKSThe JWKS token urihttps://auth.DOMAIN.COM/jwks.json

Authelia Configuration

Configure the OIDC client in Authelia as below, you can change your authorization_policy and consent_mode according to your needs.

      - id: podfetch
        description: Podfetch
        public: true
        authorization_policy: one_factor
          - openid
          - profile
          - email
        consent_mode: explicit
          - https://podfetch.DOMAIN.COM/ui/login
        userinfo_signing_algorithm: none

Reverse Proxy

You can also use a reverse proxy like nginx to do the authentication. PodFetch supports this mode by setting the following variables:

REVERSE_PROXYFlag if reverse proxy should be enabledtrue
REVERSE_PROXY_HEADERThe url of the reverse proxy.X-FORWARDED-FOR
REVERSE_PROXY_AUTO_SIGN_UPFlag if PodFetch should automatically sign up userstrue

User Creation

You can create an admin, user, or uploader either through CLI or via invites.

To generate an invite, log into Podfetch → Top Right Icon → User Administration → Invites


Audio Player

The podcast listening tool contains an advanced audio player that can be used to listen to your podcasts,skip episodes, turn the volumes as high as 300% or skip around in the current episode. Audio Player

Continue right where you stopped

The tool will automatically save your progress in the current episode and will resume from where you left off even if you close the browser. You can continue listening on all devices by just hitting play on any episode on your home screen.

Continue listening to episodes

Search for podcasts

You can search for podcast episodes by hitting CTRL+F and typing any word that might appear in the description or title of the podcast episode you want to listen to. Audio Player

Below are some fullscreen images so you can get a better grasp of the UI.

Home Screen

Home Screen

Timeline View


Info View

Info page







  • Set the SERVER_URL environment variable to the url of the proxy.
  • Turn on websocket support in your proxy

You won't be able to use your service via the plain local url as the websocket connection will fail.

If the SERVER_URL starts with

  • https => Secured Websocket (wss)
  • http => Unsecured Websocket (ws)


PodFetch can also send messages via Telegram if a new episode was downloaded.

To enable it you need to set the following variables:

TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKENThe Bot token that you can acquire from Botfather with /newbotasdj23:hsifuhi234klerlf...sadasd
TELEGRAM_BOT_CHAT_IDThe chat id of the chat where the bot should send the messages123456789
TELEGRAM_API_ENABLEDIf the telegram api should be enabled.true

You can acquire the Telegram Bot chat id with the following steps:

  1. Write a message to the bot
  2. Open the following url in your browser: Telegram API page
  3. Search for the chat id in the response


Podfetch is available in multiple languages. If you want to add a new language you can do so by adding a new file to thei18n folder and adding the translations to the file. The file should be named after the ISO 639-1 language code. For example en.json for English or de.json for German.

If you want to add a new language, please take a look at this file to see which translations are required. You only need to add the translations for the values.

RSS Feed

You can use the RSS feed to get the latest updates from the site. The feed is available at the following URL:


You can also control the output of the feed by using the following parameter:

  • top: The number of items to return

So if you want to get the latest 5 items from the feed from each podcast, you can use the following URL:


Podcast Index

It is also possible to retrieve/add podcasts from Podcast Index. To configure it you need to create an account on that website. After creating an account an email is sent to you with the required credentials.

PODINDEX_API_KEYthe api key sent to you via mail%
PODINDEX_API_SECRETthe api secret also found in the mail%
  • % means an empty string is configured as default

After successful setup you should see on the settings page a green checkmark next to the Podindex config section.

CLI usage

The CLI can be used to manage users and to refresh & list subscribed podcasts.

You can get help anytime by typing --help or help.


Get general help

podfetch --help

Get help for a specific command

podfetch <command> --help


podfetch users --help
podfetch podcasts --help

Usage in docker

docker ps #This will help you obtain the container's id and name
docker exec -it <container id or name> /app/podfetch <your-command> # Will execute your desired command in the container



First of all, thank you for considering contributing to Podfetch. It is people like you that make Podfetch great. I appreciate every contribution, no matter how small it is. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask them in the discussions section.

Building the project


  • Rust
  • Cargo
  • Node
  • npm/yarn/pnpm

Building the app

# File just needs to be there
touch static/index.html
cargo.exe run --color=always --package podfetch --bin podfetch
cd ui
<npm/yarn/pnpm> install
<npm/yarn/pnpm> run dev

Setting up Basic auth and user management

  1. Set up the environment variables in your docker-compose under the PodFetch service:
  1. Run docker-compose up -d to start the service.

Make sure to change the username and password to something more secure than test and test.

UI Login

Enter your credentials from step 1. If you don't want to enter always username and password you can click on memorize account. This is not recommended if this computer is not yours/shared with others.

Login Screen

  1. [Optional] Invite other users to your instance

Because listening to podcasts is kind of boring you can invite your family/friends to also use your podcast server to stream podcasts. Therefore go to User administration which is found in the top right corner when clicking on the user avatar icon.

Basic Auth

Here you can view all the existing users:

You can edit their role by clicking on the pencil in the role column or delete them by clicking on the trash icon. You can create a new invitation by selecting the "Invites" tab on the right hand, Click on +Add new. Here you can select the role of the user to invite and if he is allowed to listen to explicit podcasts. After that click on createInvite. You can now see the invite in the table. It has an expiracy date of 1 week. So after 1 week the invite cannot be used again. You can click on the link icon to copy the invite link and paste it into e.g. Discord/WhatsApp or your messenger of choice.

On the other end the invitee can simply copy that link, paste it into his/her browser and take the registration steps. He/She can review the settings taken by the administrator and enter a username/password for the login page. The password needs to be strong. So it must have a length of 8, a number, a small letter and a capital letter.


  • ✅ Test123$Test
  • ✅ myComplicated$Password
  • ❌ test
  • ❌ weakPassword

Upon succesful registration you should see a success message with account created. Now the user should be redirected to /ui and can also login as the administrator has done it in the second step.

GPodder API

📖 Activating the GPodder API

The following environment variable must be set to true to enable it:

GPODDER_INTEGRATION_ENABLEDActivates the GPodder integration via your SERVER_URLfalse

⚙️ Using the GPodder API

For the GPodder API, you need to choose a way to authenticate yourself. You can use:

  • Basic Auth
  • OAuth2
  • Proxy Auth

👤 Create a user via the CLI

For AntennaPod to succesfully authenticate it requires a username and password. In order to enable that we jump to the commandline. If you have PodFetch running in Docker just execute:

docker ps #This will help you obtain the container's id and name
docker exec -it <your-container-id> /app/podfetch users add

After that a dialog opens up. I paste here a sample you can change username and password etc. to the values you like.

Starting from command line
User management
Enter your username:
User does not exist
Enter your password:

Select your role user, admin, uploader
Should a user with the following settings be applied User { id: 0, username: "myUsername", role: "user", password: Some("myPassword"), explicit_consent: false, created_at: 2023-07-22T10:39:59.297771400 }
User succesfully created

After that you have created a user with the username myUsername and the password: myPassword. It is enough to have him assigned to the role user. You could e.g. switch to another admin user that adds new podcasts for increased security.

🖂 Create a user via the UI

You can also generate a user using the invite function within the GUI

To generate an invite, log into Podfetch → Top Right Icon → User Administration → Invites . This works on both basic auth and OIDC.

📱 Setting up AntennaPod

First download the app:

  • Google:
  • FDroid: ⚠️ Be aware that the FDroid version doesn't have the Google signing for usage in an Android car. So if you have an Android Car and want to navigate via the built-in touchscreen you definitely need the one from the Google App Store

After opening the app, press the burger menu and tap settings. Go to synchronisation => Select provider =>

Adding server url to gpodder

  1. Enter here your SERVER_URL

⚠️ AntennaPod always chooses https and thus requires a valid SSL certificate from e.g. Let's Encrypt. If you want to host PodFetch in your local network it is okay to not use SSL. Therefore you can use http:// to establish an insecure connection which AntennaPod will complain in the next steps about.

  1. Enter the username and password of the user that you created before through the CLI

Login to gpodder

  1. Choose an existing device or create a new device

A user can have different devices or restore from existing device configuration. This is what the next view is about. You can choose between using an existing device. That is the ovale device below. This can be done by simply tapping on it.

If you don't see a device because you started the server from scratch you can name your device to a memorable one so you can later select the correct device better.

Adding a device

  1. Success screen

You should now see this screen. Tap on Sync now and the modal should close leaving you at the synchronisation page.

GPodder Sync

  1. Test the settings You can test the settings by tapping on Sync now. After a short period the title on the navbar should change to Success #currentTimestamp

  2. Import the respective podcast into podcast Because not everybody can download/create a podcast it is necessary to also download a podcast to the server. Therefore go to the homepage and add the podcast. If the rss feeds are the same they are linked in the backend and you can listen to the podcasts from your phone or via the web and the two locations synchronize with each other.


My server is not reachable from the internet

  • Check your firewall
  • Make sure you can ping the system

My PodFetch server does not show any images

  • Make sure your SERVER_URL is set correctly
  • Make sure your SERVER_URL is reachable from the internet

I cannot login to the UI

  • Make sure you have set up the BASIC_AUTH environment variable
  • Make sure you have set up the USERNAME environment variable
  • Make sure you have set up the PASSWORD environment variable
  • Otherwise, reset your password via the CLI

I can't stream any podcasts with authentication enabled

  • Make sure your user has an api key
  • Otherwise, generate one via the UI in the profile tab.